Oculus takes a shot at making Virtual Reality mainstream!

Everyone is talking about Virtual Reality. The technology is out there, marketers have incorporated it into their campaigns, and everyone knows what it is. But for some reason consumers, aren’t interested in purchasing VR gaming headsets. So the question is why?   “99% of millennial and Gen Z viewers engage in an average of four other activities…

Burger King’s Savage but effective marketing technique!

Burger King has released a new addition to their menu; Spicy Chicken Nuggets! This is pretty average news but the way Burger King promoted the new nuggets, is savage and outstanding. The nuggets  have never been an option on the Burger King Menu.  The spicy flavoured chicken bites had originally been a popular product sold…

Augmented Reality now being used to share modern art?

This seems to be the year of Augmented Reality.  Everyone is talking about it. It’s a tech innovation that with time, will grow into something remarkable. AR allows for a real-life, live experience, that allows brands to not only promote themselves, but create a stronger awareness and relationship with consumers. Jeff Koons, an American artists…

Pinterest’s new search technology is a Game Changer!

Pinterest has now jumped on the band wagon and implemented new visual search technology. Pinterest is now using artificial intelligence to allow consumers to snap a picture of IRL things and find similar items online. This allows consumers to browse through and shop favourable items. Pinterest, originally implemented the visual discovery tech to only regular organic…

“Paid Partnership with” header now popping up on Instagram!

Instagram, is a social platform that collectively allows individuals to express their creativity, share beliefs and express themselves with the world and their followers. As discussed in a few of my recent posts, Business’s have placed an importance on utilising these social platforms to gain awareness, customers and  general popularity. Towards the end of June,…

Fox Sports joining in on the era of six-second commercials

Six-second ads are unlocking a new form of digital marketing and are slowly being introduced into mainstream marketing. The ads allow brands to emphasise simplicity, strong visual elements, fundamentals of good storytelling, and also leave something up to the viewers imagination. The ads focus on creating a clear punchline, message and feeling. The 6 second format…

Power of Instagram ‘Art’ – Beyonce’s creation of a flawless brand

Beyonce. She’s amazing and flawless.  She stands for strength, cultural rights, fierce feminism, and releases amazing music. I’m somewhat of a fan. The singer has gone through many career paths and has explored multiple images and styles through her rise into fame. During 2017, Beyoncé’s pregnancy of her two twins; Rumi and Sir, became public…