Oculus takes a shot at making Virtual Reality mainstream!

Everyone is talking about Virtual Reality. The technology is out there, marketers have incorporated it into their campaigns, and everyone knows what it is.

But for some reason consumers, aren’t interested in purchasing VR gaming headsets. So the question is why?

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source: WGSN Insider


“99% of millennial and Gen Z viewers engage in an average of four other activities while watching TV.”

Virtual reality requires, an extreme amount of engagement and attention. Once putting on the head-set, you are virtually locked into a different world, forced to complete tasks and obstacles.

Not to mention, wearing the head-sets look a little ridiculous, require a large amount of room and block your senses from the surrounding world.

Consumers want technology that is relevant to the time and generation.

So it begs to question are VR Marketers approaching this wrong?

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source: AD Week

Oculus, takes a hit by releasing their Oculus Rift; $200 headsets.

They have marketed a new message, that has allowed the brand to target the “heart and soul of gamers and helping capture and really embrace the experiences”.

Oculus targets gamers in their campaign promoting an image and message that is innovative, interesting and relevant.

“Step into the Rift” communicates how millennial individuals can step into the VR experience, as an alternative way playing an action-packed video game. 

I think once the VR headsets become mainstream for gamers, we will see an increase in VR’s presence in our generations everyday lifestyle.

Do you think Oculus did well at marketing their products, by shifting their target audience solely on gamers?

How do you think Digital Marketers can strengthen the consumer need/use of Virtual Reality?

Comment your thoughts below!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. I feel that this was a wise decision for Oculus to target specifically gamers, as gamers would be the only ones that could stay focused on the game without being distracted by anything else. This works well with the concept of VR gaming where you have to immerse yourself into the game and disconnected from the real world.

    Perhaps, other methods of VR and it’s potential, is the capabilities for people to see things and go to places they could never go to, or afford, such as travelling, or experiencing a roller coaster ride you could never ride because of disabilities. In these cases, VR can help bring such experiences to everyone regardless.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Janice Luckman says:

    I find what you said about VR requiring an extreme amount of engagement and attention so interesting! I never really thought about it like that before and always just assumed I wasn’t interested because its more a gaming experience, but it definitely does require your sole attention which I would probably struggle with! I recently read another blog that talked about VR used for architecture and travel and honestly I think if they marketed VR more towards that I would probably be much more interested. In line with that, the end of the Oculus ad kind of draws on that showing the guy looking out at the view and I think for our generation and for those not interested in gaming, this is a great potential area to focus on!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think Oculus is on the right track. People like me wouldn’t really use a VR headset to watch tv or anything like that, but gaming is an entirely different topic. Gamers would absolutely love VR to enhance their gaming experience. Marketers should focus on the groups that actually have the potential need for it instead of focusing on almost everyone when it comes to promoting VR headsets. However, I guess people who just find it interesting and are tech savvy would also go for it regardless of not being interested in games.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think Oculus made a wise move focusing their marketing towards gamers. For now, gamers are the only people who seem more willing to opt into using VR. If anything they would be the first stepping stone, before others think it is worthwhile to use it for other reasons. Personally I haven’t seen VR being utilised in a way I find I would like to engage in. So I think marketers would have to come up with a really good way to utilise this technology before it hits mainstream.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DIGITAL DIRT says:

      I agree, I’m not much of a gamer myself. But I do find the advertisement interesting. Very interested to see how VR progresses in the future!


  5. Yeah i think targeting just one group was a really smart idea for Oculus. VR headsets are more relevant for gamers, i personally am not interested in it much so if i saw an advertisement it would be forgotten straight away.

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